New Panelist & Moderators Added!
If you are interested in the film, television & music industries, mark your calendars & make your reservation TODAY!
The New Mexico Music Commission/NM Dept. of Cultural Affairs and the City of Albuquerque Film and Music Offices / Economic Development Department are hosting a Music In Film Summit.
September 18th and 19th
The event will take place at the Kimo Theater in Albuquerque, as well as a meet and greet reception at the One Up Lounge near the Kimo.
Mike Knobloch: SVP Film Music, 20th Century Fox
Lizzy Moore: West Regional Director, The Recording Academy®
Dana Sano: Music Superviser, Producer Zenden Entertainment
Randy Spendlove: President Film Music, Paramount Studios
Steven Vincent: VP Music and Soundtracks, Disney Channel
Pat Clark: Musician & Composer
Michael Davenport: Masterscape, Inc / Espressive Artists
Tom Frouge: Music Liaison, City of Albuquerque
Chris Jonas: Musician & Composer
Nancy Laflin: Executive Director, NM Music Commission
Friday September 18th
4 - 5 PM: Film Screening Kimo Theater (423 Central Ave. NW)
5 - 7 PM: Meet & Greet One Up Lounge (301 Central Ave NW
*Must be 21 years old to attend One Up Reception.
Saturday September 19th
9:00 - 4:30 PM - Panels & Presentations Kimo Theater
This event is free and open to the public, but you must register ahead of time due to limited seating.
Kimo Theater Schedule Saturday September 19
9:00 - 9:30
9:45 - 10:15
Panel 1 : A Primer on the Definitions of Terms in Film & Music
10:30 - 11:30 Panel 2 : Brother, Can You Use a Song? Music Supervision & Song
Placement in Film
11:30 - 12:30
12:45 - 1:45
Panel 3 : What's The Score? Scoring
& Composing: Unlocking the Mystery of Working in the TV & Film Business
2:00 - 3:00 Panel 4 : The GRAMMY® Awards
A Recording Academy
Presentation lead by Lizzy Moore
3:15 - 4:00 Panel 5 : What Do I Do Now? Using Our New Found Knowledge / Q & A
4:00 - 4:15
Thank Yous & Wrap Up
4:15 Post session mingle in the lobby
*There will be boxes in the lobby for participants to leave their press kits and cd's.
Please note: this is not an event to submit work, but to learn about the business. We will be sending all music from those who attend and submit packages to panelists.
We would like to thank:
Albuquerque Studios &
Sennheiser New Mexico
for helping to sponsor this event.
For more information please visit:
To register please email:
Nancy Laflin
NM Music Commission
(505) 827-6454
Ann Lerner
City of Albuquerque Film Office