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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Chris & Trish Meyer @ Next AniMotion NM -- @ ARTS Lab!

Cover of "After Effects Apprentice (DV Expert ...Cover via Amazon

The people with AniMotion NM are really making great strides in building New Mexico's Animation/Motion Graphics/VFX community -- and we're very glad to host their events here at ARTS Lab. We're especially glad of their efforts to recruit rockstars like Chris and Trish Meyer to move to New Mexico!

AniMotionNM is hosting an evening with After Effects experts/authors Trish and Chris Meyer, Tuesday, February 10 from 7:00-8:30 PM at UNM ARTS Lab.

What's new in After Effects CS4

Join the foremost After Effects experts Trish and Chris Meyer as they show some of the new features in After Effects CS4 that are of particular interest to motion graphics artists. Learn about new effects. Explore the ins and outs of the new integration with Photoshop Extended, Flash Professional and Device Central. Take a look at some of the changes in the user interface – which are sure to make life easier. And, find out answers to some of the gotchas such as the new pixel aspect ratios introduced in CS4.

Book Signing
Chris and Trish will be on hand after this event to sign copies of the latest edition of their book, After Effects Apprentice {2nd Edition}.

This event will be broadcast live via Adobe Connect for our communities throughout the state. For information on how to access the broadcast, read the full article on our website.

The event takes place at the ARTSLab Map
The cost is FREE for all AniMotionNM Members. It's free to become a member.

To attend:
- join AniMotionNM --- click the 'JOIN' button on the right.
- reserve a ticket --- click the 'REGISTER' button

It's a great opportunity, so spread the word to colleagues and students who may be interested.

For those who live outside of ABQ, we will be broadcasting this presentation via Adobe Connect. At the time of the event:
- select 'enter as guest'
- sign in using your first and last name

You must be a member to enter, so be sure and join AniMotionNM first (IT'S FREE).

Thanks! We hope to see you in person or online next Tuesday!

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