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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

BarCamp Albuquerque this Saturday

Its all about the web -- Design (visual, experience, information architecture), Technology (infrastructure, programming), Social and New Media, and other stuff that is just plain cool.

Edit the Wiki at if you plan on attending, presenting, or can help in other ways (blog about it, tweet it, FaceBook it, etc.)

And a note from organizer Chris Kenworthy:
Just a quick update and some more information. The Wiki is working again if you want to sign-up to present, just create an account on the BarCamp Wiki and add your name to the list (edit the wiki to add your name):

For those new to BarCamp you can read some background info here:

The Albuquerque BarCamp doesn't require everyone to present and we don't stay overnight, but we do have lots of presentation time slots available and would love to hear about what you are passionate about.

BarCamp is run by the attendees (you) so if you'd like to help spread the word, bring a projector or screen, contribute some food/drinks, or just show up and present, it's all in the spirit of BarCamp.

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