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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Eyebeam Road Show Next Friday!

UNM's IFDM program presents The Eyebeam Road Show ( featuring talented residents of the NYC Eyebeam Art and Technology Center. With Michael Mandiberg, Marisa Olson, Patrick Davison and Clara Jo leading presentations and hands-on workshops for students.

Free software evangelists insist that there are open source models that can actually make a buck, do they really work? Should they? Join the debate with heavyweight profs Michael Mandiberg, Nick Flor, and prof and remix master Marisa Olson.

WHAT:       Digital Lunch @ UNM:  Free, as in... Not?
WHEN:       Friday, March 26 12 - 1:30 PM
WHERE:     UNM ARTS Lab, 131 Pine St., NE
COST:         Free and Open to the Public

1 comment:

Michael Bernstein said...

Aw, crap. I would have been all over this if I had know it was happening. Eric, is there audio or video of the event? Did anyone liveblog or post a summary? I would *love* to connect with anyone else here in NM interested in this topic.