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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

[Gfx-cafe] GFX Cafe Seminar Friday Feb 1, 2008

GFX Café Seminar Friday Feb 1, 2008
12noon, ARTS Lab Black Box Theater ** Note change of venue **

Food will be served

A Poor Man's Palace, Special Effects in the Real World
by Ramesh Raskar, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL)

In our second of our SIGGRAPH @ UNM series, we present Ramesh Raskar's
talk on spatial augmented-reality displays presented at SIGGRAPH 2007.

Novel approaches have taken augmented reality beyond traditional eye-worn
or hand-held displays - enabling additional application areas. New
display paradigms exploit large spatially aligned optical elements, such
as mirror beam-splitters, transparent screens or holograms, as well as
video-projectors. Thus, we call this technological variation "Spatial
Augmented Reality (SAR)".

In many situations, SAR displays are able to overcome technological and
ergonomic limitations of conventional AR systems. Due to the fall in cost
and availability of projection technology, personal computers and graphics
hardware, there has been a considerable interest in exploiting SAR systems
in universities, research laboratories, museums, industry and in the art

Parallels to the development of virtual environments from head-attached
displays to spatial projection screens can be clearly drawn. We believe
that an analog evolution of augmented reality has the potential to yield a
similar successful factor in many application domains. Thereby, SAR and
body-attached AR are not competitive, but complementary.


Ramesh Raskar joined MERL as a Research Scientist in 2000 after his
doctoral research at U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he
developed a framework for projector based displays. His work spans
a range of topics in computer vision and graphics including projective
geometry, non-photorealistic rendering and intelligent user interfaces.
He has developed algorithms for image projection on planar, non-planar
and quadric curved surfaces that simplify constraints on conventional
displays and has proposed Shader Lamps, a new approach for projector-based
augmented reality. Current projects include composite RFID (RFIG),
multi-flash non-photorealistic camera for depth edge detection,
locale-aware mobile projectors, high dynamic range video, image fusion
for context enhancement and quadric transfer methods for
multi-projector curved screen displays.

Dr. Raskar received the Mitsubishi Electric Information Technology
R&D Award 2003, Global Indus Technovator Award 2003, instituted at
MIT to recognize the top 20 Indian technology innovators on the
globe, Mitsubishi Electric Valuable Invention Award 2004 and
TR100 Award, Technology Review's 100 Top Young Innovators
Under 35, 2004. His papers have appeared in SIGGRAPH, Eurographics,
IEEE Visualization, CVPR and many other graphics and vision conferences.
He has taught courses and has served as a member of international
program committees at major conferences. He is a member of the ACM
and IEEE.

Pradeep Sen
Assistant Professor
Advanced Graphics Lab
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of New Mexico
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