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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Duke City Shootout Rides Again...

Or something like that.  One of the key events that's helped put Albuquerque high on the list of independent filmmakers (and publications like Variety and Moviemaker) is DFI's Duke City Shootout.  UNM's ARTS Lab is again helping out (as am I as a DFI Board member and this year's post-production supervisor), and every year things improve. We're particularly happy to have Sony Electronics' support this year; it's involvement from professionals from Sony, Apple, IATSE 480 and SAG that provide one of the world's best (and most intense) learning experiences in digital filmmaking. 

What's up this year for public participation? Check out the following:

Just added:
Wednesday, July 23rd, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM: Sony Electronics Camera Demo and Workshop
School of Communication & Journalism, UNM Main Campus
Sony Electronics returns as the official camera sponsor of the 2008 Duke City Shootout, providing demos and workshops on the PMWEX1 cameras we'll be using for our shoots. This coming Wednesday, Sony technicians and KNME's resident camera artist John Britt will be at UNM's Communication and Journalism school to provide demos, workshops and hands-on experience with the EX1 for Shootout participants and the public alike. More details to come.

Friday, July 25th, 7:00 PM: Shotgun Start
Albuquerque Studios
Our homage to the frontier, the ceremonial Shotgun Start, kicks off Friday night about 7 pm at Albuquerque Studios. Then follow the crowd to our opening night party. (Must be a crew member to participate.)

Friday, July 25th, 8:00 PM: Kick-Off Party
Albuquerque Hyatt Regency
Our Opening Night bash takes over the Atrium at the Hyatt Regency downtown from 8 pm on.

Wednesday, July 30, 7:00 PM: Crew Wrap Party
Albuquerque Hyatt Regency
Bring us your tired, weary and poor crew members and get 'em a drink at the always wild Wrap Party. You'll find us in the Grand Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency, starting at 7 pm.

Friday, August 1st, 5:30 PM: MASSIVE CINEMA
Albuquerque Hyatt Regency
Join us in the Grand Ballroom at the Hyatt Regency from 5:30-7:30 p.m. to check out the winners of the Shootout's Massive Cinema competition, sponsored by Intel, Albuquerque Studios and the American Film Institute.

Albuquerque Hyatt Regency
Come see the magic worked by local film crews during the recent 48 Hour Film Project, and get a sneak preview of the movie that will compete with the Shootout films on Saturday. Join us in the Grand Ballroom at the Hyatt Regency from 8-10 pm to watch the best of and find out who won.

Saturday, August 2nd, 7:00 PM: GALA PREMIERE
Kiva Auditorium, Albuquerque Convention Center
The Shootout climaxes with the Gala Premiere screening of our seven short movies, plus the winner from the 48 Hour Film Project, in a fight for the soon-to-be-coveted Palm de Grease. Join us at the Kiva Auditorium inside the Convention Center. Then stay tuned for the awards ceremony, and a post-premiere bash across the street.
Order Your Tickets Here.

Saturday, August 2nd, 9:30 PM: POST-PREMIERE PARTY
Albuquerque Hyatt Regency
Follow us across Civic Plaza to the Post-Premiere Party in the Grand Ballroom at the Hyatt Regency where you can mingle with filmmakers and crew 'til the break of dawn.

For more information and updates on events, visit the Shootout website.

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