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Friday, July 11, 2008

More DomeFest: NM Business Weekly Coverage

From the NM Business Weekly:
Peripheral Vision
New Mexico Business Weekly - by Megan Kamerick NMBW Staff

DomeFest, Albuquerque's homegrown digital media festival for full-dome theaters, has made its first debut outside its native soil.

The festival usually premiers in Albuquerque before hitting various venues around the world. But this year it premiered in Chicago at the nation's oldest planetarium, the Adler, following a July 3 meeting of the International Planetarium Society.

The timing seems just right for the festival to hit a bigger and more influential audience. DomeFest, the only worldwide festival devoted to content produced for full-dome (curved overhead screen) theaters, received a record 40 entries this year from all over the world. By tying the showcase to the biannual IPS conference, it has raised its profile significantly among the people looking for the content DomeFest provides: the 700-plus members of IPS from 35 countries around the world.

DomeFest and the related full dome summit packed the 270-seat Adler Planetarium for hours, said Hue Walker Bumgarner-Kirby, multimedia development specialist with the ARTS Lab at the University of New Mexico. The festival's jury selected 13 pieces for the final program and two alternates.

David Beining, founder of DomeFest, which is housed at the ARTS Lab, said the contacts he made in Chicago are already taking hold.

The DomeFest program is showing the week of July 5 in Germany, and it will show in at least two venues in the United Kingdom and in Montreal...

DomeFest 2008 will show in New Mexico on Oct. 14 as part of Motion08, an animation and digital media conference.

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