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Friday, January 09, 2009

NM Media Industries Conference -- "MIX" -- Next Saturday!

Hi everyone...

I've sent a couple brief blurbs, but a few people have mentioned that I really haven't pushed it enough -- so apologies for the duplication.

Our fifth annual NM Media Industries Conference "MIX" is coming up next Saturday, January 17th at UNM with a pretty wide range of sessions and topics in animation, business, education, film, games, web/software and more.  We're also particularly please to have Ian Bogost for our lead-off talk that day.  After growing up in New Mexico, Ian's gone on to become one of the world's leading game educator/writer/producers, with a great ability to describe not only how interactive media is changing, but also how it can be used to better understand our world.

I think we're all concerned about the effects we'll see from the current economic situation, including decreased funding for many programs. However, the film and media industry is still a bright spot in New Mexico's economic landscape -- positioned to consolidate some of our gains and harness our talents for continued success.

We hope you can join us!

More conference info, with schedule and links to registration is at /

WHAT:       NM Media Industries MIX
WHEN:      Saturday, January 17th 9AM - 5PM
WHERE:    UNM Student Union Building Ballroom B, UNM Main Campus
COST:       $50 Regular / $25 Students and members of supporting organizations* (includes buffet lunch and snacks, etc.)
HOW:        Register at

*Full time students enrolled in degree-granting programs; supporting organizations include: The Art Center Design College, Rio Grande IGDA, NMITSA,

Special thanks to the City of Albuquerque and State of New Mexico for their support!

New Mexico's 5th Annual Media Industries Conference -- "MIX" -- is coming January 17th.  Sign up at

Eric Renz-Whitmore, Program Coordinator
MSC04 2570
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
office:  505-277-2253
cell:     505-227-1086

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