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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Interaction Design Update

(and thanks, Zemanta, for F#$*ing this up!)

We had a nice visit last week from the local IxDA group -- and saw some great talks and presentations from Interaction '09 including keynote Robert Fabricant. Visit the IxDA library site for that and more as they're released.
Robert Fabricant - Behavior is our Medium
Sun, 03/15/2009 - 17:05 — Nasir Barday
Robert Fabricant talks about Interaction Design as a practice beyond just computing technology. He gives examples of Interaction Design as far back as ancient history, all the way to a humanitarian project underway today. He shows that Interaction Design's primary medium is behavior, extending far past the high technology world into the realm of human behavior and relationships.
Want to know more about the Interaction Design Association and their annual conference? You might check out the following from Interaction '08:

Interaction '08 Recap Video from Interaction Design Association on Vimeo.

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