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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Emily Lewis @ Next UNM IA Group Meeting!

Not an ARTS Lab event, but I'd heartily recommend catching local web developer, micro-format specialist and Webuquerque co-founder Emily Lewis at the next UNM Information Architects' meeting. Details from Greg Gómez below:
A message from Greg Gómez to all members of ABQ Web Geeks on Duke City Fix!

UNM Information Architects are proud to welcome Albuquerque's own Emily Lewis to our monthly meeting on Wednesday April 29th at 10:00 AM. We'll be meeting in the Student Union Building Trailblazer and Spirit rooms.

Emily is a microformat specialist and the author of an upcoming book about them.

Microformats are simple, open design patterns based on existing standards -- HTML and CSS -- that are used to describe common web content, including people, places, events and links

Emily will provide an overview of microformats, with a focus on some basic examples of common microformats. She will also demonstrate some of the available tools that leverage microformats for machine data.

This meeting is free and open to the public, so please join us!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this event or the UNM IA.

Visit ABQ Web Geeks at:

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