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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

NMTC Tech Thursdays: Inside Google Analytics next Thursday

Well... lots of interesting things going on this week.

Webuquerque has "Battle of Network Frameworks & Libraries" tonight at the Uptown Bar & Grill @ 6:30PM
...and 48 Hour Film Project teams up with the Albuquerque Film Festival (AFF) to present the "Best of the 48HFP" at the National Hispanic Cultural Center at 7PM. AFF runs through Sunday in and around Albuquerque.

But coming up next week for tech/web/SEO aficionados, the NM Technology Council has one of our local Rock stars, Chris Kenworthy with our next Tech Thursday event:

NMTC Tech Thursdays: Inside Google Analytics Export to Your Calendar


When: Thursday, August 13th
From 3:30 - 5:00 PM
Where: O'Neills Pub Meeting Room
4210 Central SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico  81706
United States

Inside Google Analytics with Chris Kenworthy

The ability to track users' navigation of your websites is a powerful tool that can help increase revenue and improve your users' experience.  Certified AdWords Pro Chris Kenworthy unlocks the power of Google Analytics and other tools at our August Tech Thursday event.

Chris Kenworthy is the owner of MediaGroup1 LLC and founder of, a leading online community for programmers and web developers.

Chris has been involved in the development and marketing of web sites and online communities for over eight years. He holds a degree in Web Technology and is a certified Google AdWords professional. He is currently the Marketing Manager for Escalate Media which owns several large online communities in the Tech and Women's niches.

Chris is experienced in the areas of search engine marketing, search engine optimization, social media, community management, email marketing, monetization, and affiliate marketing. He is available as a consultant on a limited basis.

NMTC Members: $15 each
Non-Members: $25 each (remember, individual memberships are still FREE!)

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