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Friday, August 07, 2009

re:MAKE IT! this weekend at the Santa Fe Complex

From the Good folks at the Santa Fe Complex... And btw, I just stopped by their space -- the work already up is looking pretty awesome!

Albuquerque Journal North, Pasatiempo, Santa Fe Radio Cafe, & Santa Fe Reporter Feature This Weekend's Event
The Santa Fe New Mexican joined the interest in re:MAKE IT! in Pasatiempo, its weekly magazine of arts, entertainment & culture. Calling Santa Fe Complex a "volunteer-based nonprofit where creativity and innovation don't so much collide as conspire" and "the epicenter of Santa Fe's aboveground tech-geek DIY movement", the magazine featured re:MAKE: IT! in its August 7-13 issue. As the page 12 article says, "Curators David Enoch and Dena Aquilina have assembled a broad spectrum of scientists and artists working in audio and visual mediums to create a highly interactive showcase of installations and smaller works."
Mary Charlotte Visits the Complex for reMAKE: IT! Preview
Santa Fe Radio Cafe host Mary Charlotte stopped by the Complex to preview reMAKE: IT! in an interview that aired on Wednesday, August 5. You can hear her interview with event co-organizer Dena Aquilina and Complex volunteer Don Begley at the Radio Cafe's website. Click here for the full interview.
SF Reporter Calls reMAKE: IT! a Weekend Pick
Highlighting "displays from such twisted luminaries as Christian Ristow, Sudhu Tewari and Meow Wolf", Santa Fe Reporter writer Marissa Jeffery says reMAKE: IT! "shines a light on a flourishing DIY subculture, bringing together the avant-gardists, electrical engineers and computer hackers among us." Click here for the Jeffery's review.
Albuquerque Journal North Profiles re:MAKE IT!
The Albuquerque Journal North profiled this weekend's DIY festival at the Complex in an August 3 story by Kathaleen Roberts. Quoting organizer David Enoch, the article says re:MAKE IT! is "like a 21st-century fair with a lot of cutting-edge art [with] people using technology in interesting and new ways." Click here for Roberts' story.

The Albuquerque Film Festival is Coming (8/6-9)

Eric Renz-Whitmore, Program Coordinator
GC:     505-993-6884
office:  505-277-2253
cell:     505-227-1086

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