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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bigger, Faster, Stronger, WOW! Digital Marketing the Right Way (11/4)

Our Friends at Webuquerque's next event is a must-see for those interested in digital marketing -- and likely to have many web pros in the house as well. Check it out:

Bigger, Faster, Stronger, WOW! Digital Marketing the Right Way
with Reid Givens

"Marketing" is often misunderstood as the department that creates advertising. Many things have been labeled as marketing, such as blogging, running TV commercials and even putting balloons in the parking lot. It is true that marketing can do many of these tactics, but they are not the whole story.

In Bigger, Faster, Stronger, WOW! Digital Marketing the Right Way, 15 year marketing professional Reid Givens will demystify what digital marketing really is and what it is not.
"The truth of the matter is that there are too many websites, advertising campaigns and companies that misunderstand marketing, and unfortunately, fail because of it."

This talk will take a holistic look at marketing, focusing on the role digital media plays. The session will cover common mistakes and some advice on how to get it right … along side talking about movies, celebrities, bands and more.

Date, Time & Location
WHEN: Wednesday, November 4, 2009
6:30–7:30pm, with socializing following the presentation
WHERE: Uptown Sports Bar and Grill
6601 Uptown Blvd
Albuquerque, NM 87110

More info at:

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