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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

SIGGRAPH Info Meeting this Saturday @ ARTS Lab

REMINDER: Siggraph meeting this Saturday, October 17th!

One of the organizations that's mentioned most often when people discuss getting our digital media production and research community together is SIGGRAPH ("The Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques" to be more precise). As a few people on this list might mention, New Mexico once had one of SIGGRAPH's most active chapters.

Now with the arrival of Sony Pictures Imageworks, continued growth of film and other developments there's an desire to see whether there's enough active interest to restart a successful chapter, with an info session organized by Imageworks' Rachel Nicoll.

If you'd be interested in helping start and grow such a chapter, please attend. If you know of others who might be interested -- please pass this along. Timing of future meetings, video conferencing for people throughout the state and other questions are on the agenda.

When: Saturday, October 17th from 4-6pm
Where: UNM ARTS Lab, 131 Pine St., NE (1 block west of University; half a block north of Central; lots of parking)

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