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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

D&AD Showreel Screening 2/25

D&AD 2009 Showreel Screening at ARTS Lab

The biggest and the best, rewarding outstanding creativity, mold-breaking thinking and the highest standard of design and innovation.

What:     D&AD Showreel Screening
Where:   UNM ARTS Lab, 131 Pine St.,. NE
Cost:      FREE!
How:      Just show up :)

Thanks to Brooks Walch of Design is Casual for organizing this!

What is D&AD?

D&AD makes a difference...

Our awards programme is embedded in curriculums in over 1,000 colleges and courses around the world

The D&AD Student Awards programme is, in essence, the design and advertising communities award for those looking to break into the industry.

In putting together this programme we aim to do two things: Firstly, find the best new talent for the industry, and secondly, to put creativity high on the agenda in the higher and further education curriculum. We look to do both of these things on a global level.

More at:

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