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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Digital Lunch (4/23): Making Maya Skies

How did the team at UNM's ARTS Lab create the world for the fulldome show, "Tales of the Maya Skies"?  Join ARTS Lab's Hue Walker for a trip behind the scenes to see how she and the team took cultural artifacts and other sources to fashion a piece that would truly evoke the spirit of the Mayan culture.

More details to come!

WHAT:       Digital Lunch @ UNM:  Making Maya Skies
WHEN:       Friday, April 23, 12 - 1:00 PM
WHERE:     UNM ARTS Lab, 131 Pine St., NE
COST:         Free & Open to the Public (includes lunch)

Digital Lunch at UNM is ARTS Lab's Friday lunchtime get-together with students, teachers and professionals from the community. Special thanks to Cinnafilm for its support.
From ARTS Lab @ UNM

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