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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

THIS FRIDAY: Cultural Media Development for "Tales of the Maya Skies" @ Digital Lunch

Cultural Media Development for "Tales of the Maya Skies"

How did UNM's ARTS Lab fulldome team approach the creation of a scene from Mayan mythology for the fulldome? Join ARTS Lab's Hue Walker for a view of the development process both from a technical and a cultural standpoint; how ancient and current Mayan imagery and stories were incorporated into a fulldome mythic world that would evoke the mysterious story of the Mayan hero twins.

WHAT:       Digital Lunch @ UNM:  Making Maya Skies
WHEN:       Friday, April 23, 12 - 1:00 PM
WHERE:     UNM ARTS Lab, 131 Pine St., NE
COST:         Free & Open to the Public (includes lunch)

Hue Walker has been working in the world of fulldome since 2001, building an understanding and theory basis for immersive artwork and visualization. She works to both create and encourage others to create more thoughtfully designed content and techniques for immersive media. She is currently senior artist at UNM's ARTS Lab.

Digital Lunch at UNM is ARTS Lab's Friday lunchtime get-together with students, teachers and professionals from the community. Special thanks to Cinnafilm for its support.
From ARTS Lab @ UNM

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