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Thursday, November 29, 2007

[Gfx-cafe] GFX Cafe Seminar Friday Nov 30, 2007

GFX Café Seminar Friday November 30, 2007
12noon, ECE118

Food will be served

Porter and Duff Compositing and Volume Rendering
by Kenneth Moreland, Sandia National Labs

Everyone knows how to composite transparent images as outlined by
Porter and Duff in 1984, right? This image algebra holds a
fundamental part in just about every piece of computer software
including powerful image manipulation programs like Photoshop and
Gimp, 3D rendering systems like OpenGL, and the legible rendering
of fonts by modern windows systems. Despite its importance, many
of us have only a passing knowledge of image compositing: one that
leads to mistakes. I will review the fundamental concepts of Porter
and Duff compositing, highlight common misconceptions, and discuss
how to correct for them. I will also discuss the topic of volume
rendering within the context of compositing. I will show where
the two theories intersect and where they diverge. I will
demonstrate how to correctly use compositing within the volume
rendering task while identifying pitfalls and discussing how to
avoid them.

Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation,
a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of
Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract

Kenneth Moreland is a Senior Member of Technical Staff at Sandia
National Laboratories. He received a B.S. degree in Computer Science
and a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the New Mexico
Institute of Mining and Technology in 1997, an M.S. in Computer
Science from the University of New Mexico in 2000, and later a
Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of New Mexico in 2004.
His research interests include large scale, parallel rendering and
scientific visualization, volume rendering, information visualization,
and comparative visualization and post-processing. Dr. Moreland is
currently Sandia's technical lead for ParaView development.

Pradeep Sen
Assistant Professor
Advanced Graphics Lab
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of New Mexico
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