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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

505 Film Festival TONIGHT!

The first 505 Film Festival has arrived! 

Brought to you by VHS Productions and sponsored by the Albuquerque Film Office, this event showcases of the future filmmakers of New Mexico  

"It is wonderful to see creative talent at such a young age...I applaud the 505 Youth Film Festival for starting a film festival that showcases Albuquerque's young filmmakers," said Mayor Martin J. Chávez.  The festival
highlights films of middle school and high school students from all around the state.  Films of 5 minutes or less in length will be show in the categories are Drama, Action, Comedy, Commercial, Music Video, Documentary, and Sci-Fi. 

Prizes will be given to the top films presented.  The grand prize will be a full version of Final Cut Pro Studio software for film editing.  The judges include high school and college students, teachers, administrators, filmmakers, writers, and parents.  This is the perfect chance for New Mexico's youth to show what they are about.

WHERE:  The historic Kimo Theatre, in Downtown Albuquerque
WHEN:    Wednesday, May 14th beginning at 5:30 pm.
HOW MUCH:  Admission is FREE!

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