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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

[Gfx-cafe] GFX Cafe Seminar Friday Sept 12, 2008

The GFX Café is back to kickoff another exiting semester!

GFX Cafe Seminar Friday September 12, 2008
12noon - 1:15pm, ECE 118

Food will be served

Best of SIGGRAPH 2008
by Pradeep Sen, UNM Advanced Graphics Lab

In this presentation, I will review some of the papers that stood out
from this year's SIGGRAPH conference in Los Angeles. It's a good way
to catch up on the latest in graphics research!

Pradeep Sen is a faculty member in the Dept. of Electrical & Computer
Engineering at UNM, with a joint appointment in Computer Science. He is
member of the UNM Advanced Graphics Lab, and his research interests
include computer graphics, computer vision, imaging and visualization.

Pradeep Sen
Assistant Professor
Advanced Graphics Lab
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of New Mexico

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