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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

[Gfx-cafe] GFX Cafe Seminar Friday Sept 26, 2008

GFX Café Seminar Friday September 26, 2008
12noon - 1:15pm, ECE 118

Food will be served

Forty Years of Graphics APIs
by Ed Angel, UNM ARTS Lab, Professor Emeritus of CS, ECE, and MA

For the last fifteen years, OpenGL has been the standard application
programmer's interface (API) to access the capabilities of graphics
systems for students and researchers. The recent release of OpenGL 3.0
promises to lead to major changes in how we write graphics applications,
how we teach computer graphics, and in what we expect in future APIs.

In this talk, I will review how the standard APIs (OpenGL, DirectX,
Renderman) have evolved and examine many of the underlying issues

- What makes a good API?
- Does the hardware drive the API or visa versa?
- What is the influence of the CS community on the API?
- Why is OpenGL 3.0 such a radical change?

Edward Angel is Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the University
of New Mexico and Director of the Art, Research, Technology and Science
Laboratory (ARTS Lab). Until July 2007, he was Professor of Computer
Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Media Arts at UNM and
Director of both the ARTS Lab and the Arts Technology Center in the
College of Fine Arts. Professor Angel is the first UNM Presidential
Teaching Fellow. He received B.S. from the California Institute of
Technology in 1964 and a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California
in 1968. He has held academic positions at the University of California at
Berkeley, the University of Southern California, and the University of
Rochester. Professor Angel came to UNM in 1978. He was Associate Chair
of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1982-85) and
Chair of the Computer Science Department (1985-88). He has held visiting
positions at the Lund Institute of Technology (Sweden), the Indian
Institute of Science Bangalore India (Senior Fulbright Lecturer),
University College London and Imperial College (London). He has also held
a variety of joint appointments ranging from Biomathematics (USC) to
Obstetrics and Gynecology (Rochester) to Electrical and Computer
Engineering and Media Arts (UNM).

His present research interests are in computer graphics and scientific
visualization. He has supported graduate students working in volume
visualization, virtual reality, and masssively parallel computing.
His main teaching interests have been in Computer Graphics. The fifth
edition of his textbook Interactive Computer Graphics was published in
Spring, 2008. The third edition of his book, the OpenGL Primer, was
published in 2006.

Professor Angel was the Principal Investigator of the NSF funded Digital
Pueblo Project which combined Arts and Technology to promote economic
development among the communities in New Mexico through collaborative
graphics and animation projects. Recently, Professor Angel led a group
of UNM faculty who were awarded $3M from the State of New Mexico to build
the Art, Research, Technology, and Science Laboratory (ARTS Lab) at UNM.
The ARTS Lab is a unique interdiscplinary center with educational,
research, and economic development activities that span the range of
digital media. He also serves on the Governor's Council on Film and Media

Pradeep Sen
Assistant Professor
Advanced Graphics Lab
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of New Mexico

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