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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

[Gfx-cafe] GFX Cafe Seminar Friday Oct 24, 2008

GFX Café Seminar Friday October 24, 2008
12noon - 1:15pm, ECE 118

Food will be served

Intel's Larrabee and the Future of GPU's
by Larry Seiler and Tom Forsyth, Intel
Kayvon Fatahalian, Stanford University

The rapidly-changing world of graphics processors (GPU's) was shaken
earlier this year with Intel's announcement of the Larrabee processor,
a custom, parallel multi-core processor built from Pentium x86 cores
designed specifically for graphics applications. In this talk, we
will introduce the fundamentals of graphics hardware and explain how
things are rapidly evolving in this industry. Developments like Intel's
Larrabee propose to increase the flexibility of graphics architectures
and could significantly impact other parallel applications such as
scientific simulation and financial analysis. The talks presented
during this special session of SIGGRAPH @ UNM were first given at
SIGGRAPH 2008. We will replay both Larry Seiler's Larrabee paper talk
as well as a series of presentations from the Beyond Programmable Shading
course at SIGGRAPH.

The ECE building is located on the campus of the University of
New Mexico (building 46 on the campus map). Directions can be found

Pradeep Sen
Assistant Professor
Advanced Graphics Lab
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of New Mexico

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