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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

2nd IFDM Director candidate visit: Dr. Megan Boler

UPDATE:  More info on the second candidate for UNM's IFDM Program follows...

Tuesday May 2nd

12:00 – 1:30
Public Lecture
Place:  GFX Cafe at the ARTS Lab (131 Pine St. in High Performance Computing Bldg. West of University & Central)

Ironic Citizenship and User-Generated Content: Digital Media, Art and Politics

In this talk Dr. Boler will introduce the range of web-based digital media productions and documentaries she has authored.  She will then detail her recent three-year project on "Rethinking Media, Democracy, and Citizenship," providing examples of user-generated viral videos, blogs, and other web-based productions accompanied by analyses of interviews with these author- producers.  The talk will focus on "ironic citizenship," and the appeal of fake news such as The Daily Show, fan practices, and online productions that engage irony and satire as a mode of expressing artistic and political interventions within the broader political media-scape.

Biographic Overview

Megan Boler is presently Associate Chair of Theory and Policy Studies, Coordinator of the History and Philosophy Program, and faculty affiliate at University of Toronto's Knowledge Media Design Institute and the Center for the Study of United States. She is a founder of the interdisciplinary Media Education Working Group, a partnership between Center for Media and Culture in Education the National Film Board, Toronto District School Board.

Her work is at the crossroads of digital media, communications and journalism, and media arts. Throughout her career she has developed programs and curriculum in arts, culture, and media, first in her arts-based teaching of the core course Arts and Heritage in a Multicultural Society at the University of California (1989-1993). At the University of Auckland, New Zealand she developed an MA program in Media Education and Culture Technologies; and while at Virginia Tech from 1998-2003, cross-affiliated as faculty of the graduate program in Science and Technology Studies and Interim Director of Women's Studies, she worked with faculty and students across colleges and departments to build an interdisciplinary focus on Media, Education, and Cultural Technologies.  Her work includes multimedia production and arts ranging from iMovie productions and screenings, podcasts to wiki production web-based discussions, electronic portfolios, in short documentary or artistic electronic productions.

Her research program focuses on the motivations of producers of viral
videos, tactical media, and web-based production and circulation of expressions of dissent. She is Principal Investigator of a 2005-2008 SSHRC Research Grant of $131,000 titled "Rethinking Media, Democracy and Citizenship: New Media Practices and Online Digital Dissent After September 11." Her forthcoming book is titled Digital Media and Democracy: Tactics in Hard Times (MIT Press 2008). She is co-editing a special issue of the journal  Electronic Journal of Communication on "Irony and Politics: User-Producers, Parody, and Digital Publics" (forthcoming July 2008).

For questions please contact Diahndra Grill at 277-2286 or

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