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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Portraits of Being: POSTPONED!

FYI... Portraits of Being has been Postponed... More info when available.

Inspired by artificial life, Portraits of Being is an interactive sound and video installation. This work calls into question three apparent absolutes by asking, "What is alive? What is perception? What is unknowable?" The piece consists of four lifelike portraits constructed with a plethora of media ranging from turkey skin to electronic circuits. When observed, each portrait reacts to the viewer's presence with audio and visual responses that are, themselves, also stimuli directed at the observer. These create an engaging sound and light performance.

WHAT: "Portraits of Being" Honors Thesis Showing
WHERE: The ARTS Lab Garage, 131 Pine St., NE (one block west of University, half a block north of Central)
WHEN: Friday, April 25th 6:00 - 8:00 PM

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