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Thursday, April 17, 2008

GFX Cafe Seminar Friday April 18: Gradient Diffusion Fields

The cross-pollination between the aviation and media industries in the use of 3D modeling, simulation and advanced graphics work is a big plus for us here in New Mexico.  If you're interested in these topics, GFX Cafe is always good to check out...

GFX Café Seminar Friday April 18, 2008
12noon, ECE 118

Food will be served

Accelerating active contour algorithms with the Gradient Diffusion Field
by Chris Kiser, Advanced Graphics Lab


Active contours were proposed by Kass et al. as a way to represent the
contours of an image.  Although the method is simple, one of its
shortcomings is its inability to converge into concave structures.  The
Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) algorithm was put forth by Xu and Prince to
succesfully address the concave structure problem.  Although there has
been much research into GVF, little has been done to reduce its
computation time, which makes it unsuitable for applications requiring
real-time processing of images. In this paper, we propose a method fora
computing an approximation of the GVF, called the Gradient Diffusion Field
(GDF), which exhibits the same useful properties of the GVF but converges
faster and requires less resources for implementation. Our proposed method
is also more amenable for real-time hardware and we outline a method for
implementing an active contour algorithm in FPGA hardware using the GDF.

Chris Kiser received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the
University of Nevada Las Vegas in 1990, and the M.S. degree in Electrical
Engineering from the University of New Mexico in 1998. He is currently a
Ph.D. candidate in Electrical Engineering at the University of New Mexico.

Chris Kiser has 14 years experience in the field of embedded signal and
image processing systems and currently is employed at Boeing-SVS in
Albuquerque, NM where he develops image processing and tracking algorithms
for use in high energy laser systems.

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